Monday, July 14, 2014

Therese Kenyon 'The Water Rushed in...' exhibition opening 13 August 5.30pm 2014

Predominantly works on paper and drafting film, the exhibition is at the Annexe, Brenda May Gallery Danks St, Waterloo as the final exhibition of guest curator Akky van Ogtrop's project Het Papier, 2014.

In its violence, water takes on a characteristic wrath; in other words, it is easily given all the psychological features of a form of anger. Man rather glibly boasts of checking this anger. Thus violent water becomes water to which one does violence. A malicious duel between man and the floods begins.
Gaston Bachelard

This installation of drawings features work around the idea of water being an expression of precariousness. Drawing on a centuries-old painting of Chinese flood imagery, I use the iron wire line (precursor to manga) as an illustrative element alongside Asian pictorial structures such as the vertical scroll format to create a new sequence of works. The common denominator is imagery of people being rescued, taken from photographs of the storm surge in Zeeland, the Netherlands in 1953 and televised footage of Hurricane Sandy on the east coast of North America in 2012.

Infrastructure Undone by Nature Therese Kenyon 2014
Ink and gouache on paper 3.5 m x 95cm

Runoff Therese Kenyon 2014
Gouache on paper 3.5 m x 95cm

Detail Runoff Therese Kenyon 2014

Exodus Therese Kenyon 2014
Layers of drafting film over Rives BFK paper 90cm x 120cm
The Water Rushed in... Therese Kenyon 2014
Acrylic on canvas 91cm x91 cm

Detail The Water rushed in...Therese Kenyon 2014

Detail Zeeland 1953 Therese Kenyon 2014
Layered drafting film over ink on paper 3.5 m x 95cm

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